Starcraft Player Count

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TypeRatingLobby NameLocationServerStatus

Wage war across the galaxy with three unique and powerful races. StarCraft II is a real-time strategy game from Blizzard Entertainment for the PC and Mac. StarCraft: Remastered has arrived, inviting PC gamers to return to one of the most important releases in the platform’s history. As with the original StarCraft release, a total of eight players can. Track the performance of StarCraft 2 teams and players and see where they stand compared to others in the worldwide and regional rankings. The Player Count for Marvel's Avengers Has Dropped 96% Since Launching 2 Months Ago on Steam Nov 11, 2020 - GitHyp Phasmophobia, a Co-Op VR Horror Game Made by 1 Person, Just Cracked Steam's Top 5 Most Played List Oct 12, 2020 - GitHyp.

RankRatingNameGamesStreakWinsWin %Last Match (ended)

LeaderboardRankRatingHighest RatingGamesStreakLongest StreakWinsLossesDrops

It is always great to see what people are able to do with data. Currently testing an API to share the data collected by for anyone to use with their projects.


Request a list of strings used by the API.


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
language (Optional, defaults to en)
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)

Example Request


Request the current leaderboards


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Required)
Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
start (Required)
Starting rank (Ignored if search, steam_id, or profile_id are defined)
count (Required)
Number of leaderboard entries to get (Must be 10000 or less))
search (Optional)
Name Search
steam_id (Optional)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (Optional)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Request


Request all open lobbies


Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)

Example Request

Player Last Match

Request the last match the player started playing, this will be the current match if they are still in game


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Request

Player Match History

Request the match history for a player


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
start (Required)
Starting match (0 is the most recent match)
count (Required)
Number of matches to get (Must be 1000 or less))
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)
steam_ids (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910,76561198449406083)
profile_ids (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658,199325)

Example Request

Player Rating History

Request the rating history for a player


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Required)
Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
start (Required)
Starting match (0 is the most recent match)
count (Required)
Number of matches to get (Must be 10000 or less))
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Request


Request matches after a specific time


Request Parameters

Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
count (Required)
Number of matches to get (Must be 1000 or less))
since (Optional)
Only show matches starting after timestamp (epoch)

Example Request


Request details about a match


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
uuid (uuid or match_id Required)
Match UUID
match_id (uuid or match_id Required)
Match ID

Example Request

Number of Players Online

Number of players in game and an estimate of the number current playing multiplayer


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)

Example Request


Request rank details about a player

Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
flag (Optional, defaults to true)
Show player flag
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Command

!addcom !rank $(urlfetch$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910&flag=false)

Example Responses


Request rank details about a players most recent opponent (1v1 only)

Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
flag (Optional, defaults to true)
Show player flag
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Command

!addcom !opponent $(urlfetch$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910&flag=false)

Example Responses


Request details about the current or last match

Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
color (Optional, defaults to true)
Show player colors
flag (Optional, defaults to false)
Show player flag
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Command

!addcom !match $(urlfetch$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910&color=false&flag=false)

Example Responses


Request civs from the current or last match

Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Command

!addcom !civs $(urlfetch$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910)

Example Responses


Request the current map name

Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Command

!addcom !map $(urlfetch$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910)

Example Responses

TypeRatingLobby NameLocationServerStatus
RankRatingNameGamesStreakWinsWin %Last Match (ended)

LeaderboardRankRatingHighest RatingGamesStreakLongest StreakWinsLossesDrops

It is always great to see what people are able to do with data. Currently testing an API to share the data collected by for anyone to use with their projects.


Request a list of strings used by the API.


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
language (Optional, defaults to en)
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)

Example Request


Request the current leaderboards


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Required)
Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
start (Required)
Starting rank (Ignored if search, steam_id, or profile_id are defined)
count (Required)
Number of leaderboard entries to get (Must be 10000 or less))
search (Optional)
Name Search
steam_id (Optional)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (Optional)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Request


Request all open lobbies


Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)

Example Request

Player Last Match

Request the last match the player started playing, this will be the current match if they are still in game


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Request

Player Match History

Request the match history for a player


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
start (Required)
Starting match (0 is the most recent match)
count (Required)
Number of matches to get (Must be 1000 or less))
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)
steam_ids (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910,76561198449406083)
profile_ids (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658,199325)

Example Request

Player Rating History

Request the rating history for a player


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Required)
Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
start (Required)
Starting match (0 is the most recent match)
count (Required)
Number of matches to get (Must be 10000 or less))
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Best Starcraft Players

Example Request


Request matches after a specific time


Request Parameters

Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
count (Required)
Number of matches to get (Must be 1000 or less))
since (Optional)
Only show matches starting after timestamp (epoch)

Example Request


Request details about a match


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
uuid (uuid or match_id Required)
Match UUID
match_id (uuid or match_id Required)
Match ID

Example Request

Number of Players Online

Number of players in game and an estimate of the number current playing multiplayer


Request Parameters

game (Required)
Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)

Example Request


Request rank details about a player

Starcraft 2 Pro Players

Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
flag (Optional, defaults to true)
Show player flag
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Command

!addcom !rank $(urlfetch$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910&flag=false)

Example Responses


Request rank details about a players most recent opponent (1v1 only)

Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
flag (Optional, defaults to true)
Show player flag
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Command

!addcom !opponent $(urlfetch$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910&flag=false)

Example Responses


Request details about the current or last match

Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
color (Optional, defaults to true)
Show player colors
flag (Optional, defaults to false)
Show player flag
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Command

!addcom !match $(urlfetch$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910&color=false&flag=false)

Starcraft 2 Player Count 2018

Example Responses


Request civs from the current or last match

Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Command

!addcom !civs $(urlfetch$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910)

Example Responses


Request the current map name

Request Parameters

game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)

Example Command

!addcom !map $(urlfetch$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910)

Example Responses