When Is The Next Elder Scrolls Coming Out

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  1. When Is The Next Elder Scrolls Coming Out
  2. When Is The Next Elder Scrolls 6 Coming Out
  3. When Is The Next Elder Scrolls Coming Out Destiny 2

Bethesda will launch ‘The Elder Scrolls 6’ Trailer at E3 2020 E3 2020 has come up with a new slogan ‘Everybody Plays’ and will take place on June 9, 2020, at the Los Angeles Stadium. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (Android & Console) – December 15 Winner of more than 200 Game of the Year Awards, the Skyrim Special Edition includes the game and add-ons with all-new features like remastered art and effects, volumetric god rays, dynamic depth of field, and more. Also bring the power of mods to consoles. Bethesda Softworks takes 3-4 years to release a new game. Be it fallout or elder scrolls, the development cycle is always the same. Fallout 4 was released last year. If that development cycle remains the same, we can expect to see Elder Scrolls 6 on late 2018 or 2019.

Bethesda has finally done it. After years of anticipation, it has announced the next installment in its hugely popular RPG series The Elder Scrolls. It’ll be called Elder Scrolls: VI. There has been widespread reports of people having multiple orgasms as a direct result of this news.

Reports are also coming in that many gamers have come out on to the streets to celebrate this news and are shouting at the top of their lungs thinking themselves to be the real “Dragonborn”.

'And again, Elder Scrolls Online is doing so well, it's so vibrant, that this is the time for Starfield, both for us creatively, and our audience.' Not at E3 2019 Starfield didn't make an. The next Elder Scrolls will not be called Skyrim 2, but it's expected to be out in the 2021/2022 period. Next year Bethesda Game Studios will release Starfield, then another 3 years development cycle before hopefully the next Elder Scrolls game.

Needless to say, Bethesda has revealed details about what the new Elder Scrolls game is going to feature and it looks poised to be the greatest game ever. Without further ado, let’s take a look –

1. Elder Scrolls VI will be released. Most likely in the future as a game can’t be released in the past. Our source believes it’s coming sometime in the 21st century but you can never be too sure considering how developers keep pushing its original schedule these days.

2. The game is confirmed to have characters. Leaks have suggested that the player will have to control the character to progress in the game.

3. The graphics will look 2% better than Skyrim’s and Fallout 4’s. Bethesda’s cardboard cut-out engine has been updated to incorporate PS3 2011 graphics like no other developer has offered before.

That will definitely be a challenge to overcome since Fallout 4 is the most aesthetically pleasing game to date. Fanboys have already traded in their PS4s for PS3s as a direct result of this announcement.

4. The Elder Scrolls VI will not be released for the Atari 2600, Gameboy advanced, or Playstation 1. Reports are coming in of massive riots all over the world after this news broke.

5. The dialogue will be a masterpiece. We all know the dialogue in Skyrim was beyond the realm of human understanding, but it is confirmed that The Elder Scrolls 6 will take it to an even more incomprehensible level. We’re talking more than 3 lines of dialogue per character. The chances of hearing the same line is now .04% lower.

6. Bethesda is holding back on us in this aspect but from what we’ve garnered so far; we believe that The Elder Scrolls 6 (let’s just say TES6 from now on) will be set in an open world consisting of rocks, grass, water and possibly even a blue sky! (I’d be lying if I told you I was 100% sure on this one)

7. After the success of Fallout 4, Bethesda has revealed that Elder Scrolls VI will also take place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Fallout fanboys all over the world are now claiming that Elder Scrolls VI will be the greatest game ever.

8. The game will have NPCs that look capable of counting to 7.

9. This is a crucial one. As you may know, Bethesda’s games have been heavily modded for many years now. Bethesda has been analyzing all of the mods and has scanned the data to generate a cutting edge mod mode. For the first time ever, Bethesda games has teamed up with Thomas the tank engine in order to progress through the game. He’ll be your very own mode of transport in the game.

10. The game will include a pause feature. This is most beneficial when you need to freeze your gameplay in order to do something else in the real-world or to access a menu of other options. If this is true, we’re looking at a possible game of the forever here.

11. Reports are suggesting that players will need to submit proof of age before being able to unlock any violent gameplay. Violence will be a separate DLC for mature audience only (terms and conditions apply).

12. Bethesda will be having a feature called “Create Your Own Glitch” in Elder Scrolls VI. Bethesda are known to feature some of the most cutting edge glitches in their games and now anyone can submit videos of glitches they discover in TES: VI. The best ones will win some amazing prizes.

13. Bethesda will be doing away with its Season pass policy for DLCs. However, there will be something called the “Horse pass” that’ll give you access to the several future Horse DLC unlocks including the ability to unlock a “Flying Horse” in the game. It’ll only cost $60 and promises to contain more than 10 different DLC packs featuring new Horse unlocks, skins, saddle bags, horseshoes, etc.

13. Finally, the game will include more than 10 trillion missions. Where 9,999,999,999,998 of them will be oh so exciting side missions. Bethesda is really trying to push the gameplay time for gamers and this is how to proceed in the most exciting and unique way possible.

With such a long list of path-breaking features announced for the game, it is a given that The Elder Scrolls VI is going to be the game of the millennium. We’ll let you know as more details become available.

Source: YeahWereNotSeriousAboutElderScrollsVi.com

Footnote: This article is part of our monthly satire column and is purely fictional.

Bethesda Softworks

There’s been an inconsistent trickle of TheElder Scrolls VI news since the teaser was unveiled back in 2018. Now, Bethesda Softworks has given fans of the high-fantasy series a glimpse at how the launch of its next installment will play out in the future.

Chief Software Engineer Todd Howard was interviewed as part of the Develop: Brighton Conference 2020 in early November. While he chatted mostly about Starfield, an upcoming Bethesda space-faring adventure, he also offered an update about the eventual TES 6 launch.

Howard’s comments come weeks after Microsoft's $7.5 billion acquisition of Bethesda, which has now bound the future of the beloved franchise to Xbox consoles. There hasn’t official confirmation that TES 6 would be an Xbox exclusive (yet), but past comments from Xbox chief Phil Spencer and Howard’s latest interview have hinted that The Elder Scrolls 6’s new home will be on Xbox and its Game Pass subscription service.

While the game itself might be a few years away, we can piece together hints from Bethesda and online chatter to estimate when fans will be able to once again roam the craggy mountains of Tamriel, the main continent where all of the Elder Scrolls games take place.

Here’s everything we know.

Any new elder scrolls games coming out

When is the Elder Scrolls 6 release date?

Bethesda has not announced an exact release date or even a release window for Elder Scrolls 6 yet. But Howard has stated that its development and release is completely reliant on the company getting another one of its projects out the door first: Starfield.

'We had done so many things, we were going Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and you have this Starfield game in your head and you sorta say, well, when?' he told IGNin July 2019. 'We are creatives, and we have to make this game and this is the time, and so Elder Scrolls VI is gonna have to wait a little bit.'

The science fiction title has been stuck in a development rut for over a decade at this point, and it has yet to receive its own release date. Howard teased that Starfield could be released on both current-generation and next-generation consoles back in 2018, but that seems very unlikely now.

We probably won't hear much more about the next Elder Scrolls until after Starfield's release date is announced. But it’s looking like the follow-up to Skyrim won’t launch until a few years into the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X’s lifespan.

An April 2020 batch of allegedly leaked information that was later said to be false claimed that Bethesda was aiming for “Q4 2024,” which means no earlier than October 2024. While that info dump is now widely considered to have been faked, a release date four to five years from now doesn’t seem so far fetched especially since Bethesda began pre-production in 2018.

Will Elder Scrolls 6 be Xbox exclusive?

With the console wars in full swing as the next-generation is right about to begin, the big question is what exactly Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda means for Elder Scrolls VI. Will the game be Xbox exclusive? Skyrim has been ported to essentially every console released in the last decade, but could the Elder Scrolls VI exist on just one?

Howard teased that TES 6 could launch on Xbox Game Pass on day one. Around the 49 and 50 minute maker of his Develop:Briton Conference interview, the Bethesda executive reveals how much of a pillar accessibility will be for the company over the next few years.

He didn't outrightly say TES 6 would be part of the service's lineup, but Microsoft's main line of delivering games to gamers on various platforms (Xbox, PC, and eventually mobile with xCloud) is Game Pass.

'When I think about the next-generation for me it's about accessibility,' said Howard. 'I think that friction between 'I'm playing and I want to pick it up and have it go with me and have it be frictionless.' I think ultimately over the next five...even ten years it's going to be about making that seamless...Bringing everything we're doing to everybody.'

Xbox's Spencer also teased that Elder Scrolls 6 might not be released on the PS5.

'We have xCloud and PC and Game Pass and our console base,' said Spencer speaking to Kotaku. 'I don’t have to go ship those games on any other platform other than the platforms that we support in order to kind of make the [$7.5 billion] deal work for us.'

Spencer reassured gamers that Microsoft wasn't trying to intentionally restrict the platforms that future Elder Scrolls titles will be available on, but the company needs a way to recover the significant investment it made in Bethesda. That doesn't mean that Elder Scrolls 6 will be off PS5 forever.

Microsoft could release Elder Scrolls 6 on its supported platforms for a limited time and then eventually expand to PS5. This way they can get an initial influx of gamers that want to play Elder Scrolls 6 day-one to buy Xboxes or pay for Game Pass and then still profit from PS5 sales later on.

Is there an Elder Scrolls 6 trailer?

Not really. Bethesda did release a short announcement teaster to rile up fans at E3 2018. The video was mostly just a bird’s eye view of a sea-side city with. But fans might receive another teaser this year.

When Is The Next Elder Scrolls Coming Out

What the teaser trailer below:

Will Elder Scrolls 6 be on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, or the PC?

Since Elder Scrolls VI won’t arrive until after Starfield is released. While that game may launch cross-generation on current- and next-gen consoles, it’s looking likely that Elder Scrolls 6 will be a next-gen title. What's more is that with Microsoft acquiring Bethesda in September 2020, it may be the case that Elder Scrolls 6 is a Microsoft exclusive for Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC.

Where in Tamriel is Elder Scrolls 6 set?

When Is The Next Elder Scrolls Coming Out

The aforementioned leak also claimed that Elder Scrolls 6 will take place in both High Rock and Hammerfell, which are the two neighboring regions to the west of Skyrim.

When Is The Next Elder Scrolls 6 Coming Out

Players will allegedly be thrown into a period of regional unrest and take part in large-scale battles involving some of the biggest power-players in Tamriel. So think Skyrim, but instead of factions within a single region, players will be dealing with continental politics on a much wider scale.

The leaker states that Bethesda is waiting until the PS5 and Series X are a few years into their life cycle. The publisher wants to make the most use out of the consoles’ next-generation hardware to render sprawling environments and battles with potentially hundreds of warriors, archers, and mages on screen at once.

“Most of these regions will be warring against each other,” wrote the anonymous leaker. “This is because Bethesda wants to use this generation’s hardware to create some huge, epic battle scenes with dozens, if not hundreds of characters battling on-screen in real-time.”

Again, all of this was allegedly proven as false by Redditors but it does seem like a natural progression of Skyrim, which had its own big battle scenes that could seriously be elevated with next-gen console hardware.

When Is The Next Elder Scrolls Coming Out Destiny 2

Elder Scrolls VI is in development.