Xcode 9 Simulator Keyboard Not Working

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The keyboard does not show up when I run the simulator and click in the UITextView. How do I re-enable the keyboard?

It used to work but now it doesn’t – I don’t know what I might have clicked by accident… any tips would be appreciated!


This SDK (Software Development Kit) does not work on any of the other operating system except Mac OS X and iOS. If you want to install Xcode on your Windows PC (7, 8.1 and 10), then you have landed exactly on the right page. Xcode – App Development Kit. I have the latest Xcode 9.0.1, but it lacks a 10.3.3 simulator and the latest I can download from the Components tab of Xcode's Preferences is 10.3.1. I'm in need of a 10.3.3 simulator because my client has a bug that occurs only on iPhone 7 with iOS 10.3.3. SOLVED Brake keys not responding ( keyboard) I'd like to use the keyboard, but the brakes seem not to respond (they work only with mouse). Every other key works ( for example a and d ) but the keys for the brakes (; ' or ) NEVER work. When you are done, learn how to work with the simulator through Apple Developer documentation. Note To avoid having to open Xcode every time you want to use the iOS Simulator, open it, then right-click the iOS Simulator icon in your dock and choose Keep in Dock.

I had the same issue. My solution was as follows:

  1. iOS Simulator -> Hardware -> Keyboard
  2. Uncheck “Connect Hardware Keyboard”

Mine was checked because I was using my mac keyboard, but if you make sure it is unchecked the iPhone keyboard will always come up.


While testing in the ios8 beta simulator, you may toggle between the “software keyboard” and “hardware keyboard” with ⌘K.

UPDATE: Since iOS Simulator 8.0, the shortcut is ⇧⌘K.


Simulator -> Hardware -> Keyboard -> Toggle Software Keyboard should solve this problem.


This seems to be a bug in iOS 8. There are two fixes to this problem :

  1. Toggle between simulator keyboard and MacBook keyboard using the [Command+K] shortcut.

  2. Reattach keyboard to simulator :

    a. Open Simulator

    b. Select Hardware -> Keyboard

    c. Uncheck and then check ‘Connect Hardware Keyboard

OR simply press the [Shift + Command + K] shortcut


To enable/disable simulator keyboard,

⌘ + K (Ctrl + k)

To disable input from your keyboard,

iOS Simulator -> Hardware -> Keyboard -> Uncheck “Connect Hardware Keyboard”


It would be difficult to say if there’s any issue with your code without checking it out, however this happens to me quite a lot in (Version 6.0 (6A216f)). I usually have to reset the simulator’s Content and Settings and/or restart xCode to get it working again. Try those and see if that solves the problem.


To fix the problem follow this –

  1. Quit Xcode and simulator
  2. Press ‘command+shift+g’ .. it will open the “go to folder” dialog.
  3. type “~/Library/Preferences” in this dialog to go to your preference folder.
  4. Delete “com.apple.iphonesimulator.plist” in this folder
  5. Done. “com.apple.iphonesimulator.plist” will be regenerated when you start simulator again.

Alternatively you can also do this with just one command.

Open terminal and fire –
1. rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iphonesimulator.plist

This will do the trick in one step! Just make sure you quit Xcode and simulator before running this.


If keyboard do not shown up automatically in simulator, just press [Command+K]

or Hardware -> Keyboard -> Toggle Software Keyboard

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