Logic Pro 9 1 3

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Logic Pro 9 - Snow Leopard 10.6.8 & LP 9.1.5 (Note: LP9.1.8 is also stable and almost as good as 9.1.5 but not quite, performance wise) Logic Pro X - Yosemite 10.10.2 & LPX 10.1.1 Update: Dec 30th 2014 - Sweetwater have updated their Yosemite Compatibility resource that can be found here. Logic Pro 9.1.1; Logic Pro 9.1.2; Logic Pro 9.1.3; Logic Pro 9.1.4; Logic Pro 9.1.5; Logic Pro 9.1.6; Note: These installers have expired certificates. When opened you will see the following: For OS X Lion and later users, you can click 'Continue' and proceed with the update. For Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard users, make sure you have installed.

Get a free trial of the latest version of Logic Pro for your Mac.

See minimum system requirements for Logic Pro.

To install, first open the disk image, then double-click the installer package. You will be guided through the installation process. If you’re using a previous version of the Logic Pro trial, you’ll be able to use this version free for an additional 90 days.

Visit the Logic Pro Resources page for tutorials to help you get started quickly.

Return to this page on your Mac or PC for the free 90-day trial.

by TweakHeadz Lab

Apple Logic Studio Music Production Software (Macintosh)

History of Logic 12345678 910 11

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Number 9, Number 9, Number 9. I have to wonder if the coders themselves got into the Lennon-ist mantra. Its kind of funny. A few months ago there someone came by the forums asking about Logic 9. 'Any news?' 'Nah, its nowhere in sight'. Sort of like the classic book waiting for Godot, the one who never comes. Well today Fed Ex did come to the TweakLab bearing Logic 9. Its here, up and running.

You know with previous logic upgrades (and I have been through all of them) there was always the excitement of a new look as well as new functionality. The look in Logic 9 is almost the same, though it seemed like they lightened the background behind the track list a few shades of grey. Ha, I think, That is par for apple's pro line--grey is everywhere. Just open up Sound Track Pro 3--more grey. Shall w take a look at Final Cut Pro too? That they found yet another unused shade of grey is no surprise. While the look is almost unchanged there is a subtle difference to the objects. Everything looks more flattened, in a nice way.

People are going to be saying there is 'nothing important in the upgrade' and that hence its not worth the $200. Indeed when I opened Logic 9 and saw no new eye candy I did have that fleeting thought.

The Good Stuff about Logic 9

Its faster. The application loads much faster than Pro 8. MP3 encoding--faster; Non-realtime bounce--screaming fast; Bounce in place--unbelievably fast; creating graphics for audio files--blazing!

The first thing I did was try the new Bounce In Place feature and it worked great. Simple right click over an audio/instrument object and you can insistently bounce it in place, creating a new audio track for the bounce automatically, with an option to render the plugins that were on the previous track and to normalize or not. This feature is going to save some time. If there is an unmet expectation here I was hoping it would do bounce in place with my external midi synths in real; time. But alas, Logic knows when you are hovering over an external midi track and grays out BIP.

Next I tried the convert to sampler track. Oh man Oh man is my sample collection going to grow leaps and bounds. Fantastico! These two things paid for the upgrade for me. Next up was the new sample content Voices. Pretty nice stuff. Given that i almost bought it for $100 2 weeks ago I figure I am $100 ahead on this upgrade.

Now on to the pedal board. I am very partial to the groovy sounds I can get out of Guitar Rig 3 by Native instruments, but I will say this. If I had these logic pedals before I would not have gotten GR3. Am I seeing paisleys? Have our German friends gone back to Woodstock and brought back a truck load of psychedelic tones? You B the Judge. I give the pedal board high marks. Now if some company advertised a new set of pedal plugins designed for Logic and was charging 100 would you spring for it if they sounded good? I would have. Yep, we are now $200 ahead on this upgrade, which i could value at $400.

click to enlarge

The Flex tool. This is for those, like me, who like to tweak, twist, and torture audio data. If you want you can make words really llllooooonnnnnggggg or shrt! And hey, why restrict just to words? Irritate your friends with the longest held guitar note in history. It's your art! the flex tool is also great for nudging your acoustic tracks into time, whether they be from your vocalist, your drunken drummer, or your imaginative guitarist.

Track notes. Cool. This is an extension of the marker text idea. You get a text-pad for every track (switches automatically as you switch tracks). There is one for the whole project too. A small but nice feature. You have control over font and font size, attribute and color. Does not spell check though.

Today's Mac Pro (Spring 2009 release) features Intel's latest Nehalem dual core processors, of which there are 2 or 4, depending on the model you get. We are in a situation right now where processor capability actually exceeds the current software's ability to harness it.

Zoomable Plugin GUIs. Tired of those tiny fonts in plugins? The Logic plugins and instruments can be zoomed up to 200%. This really helps ,e get down and program some of the synths. Check out UltraBeat and the soft synth ES2 at 200%. Nice touch! No, this does not work with 3rd party plugs.

The install was painless. I did manage to invoke the spinning wheel of death a few times, which, under Logic 8 was a sure sign of imminent cash. To my surprise. Logic recovered from these little jaunts to la-la codeland without crashing. I did have one crash, and Logic was quick to send up an alert box on which 3rd party plugin was responsible.

As i write this review I have a heavy song loaded. 76 tracks. Lots of Omnisphere, Arturia, the new Massive, Kontakt. The load is pretty well distributed over 8 cores, and I'm maxing each core around 30% maybe with a spike a little higher.

Logic Pro 9 1 32

I think the people that really know Logic will be more excited than the person who has not been through version 8 yet. But I can tell that its probably the new people that will benefit the most from the improved workflow. The experienced users already knew how to strip down the chore of bouncing to a speedy operation. The new folks never have to learn that curve.

Logic pro 9 1 32

So my answer is that Logic Pro 9 is not only worth the price of the upgrade, but that a typical Logic user might be predisposed to spend a lot more cash on things that don't have as significant bang for the buck.

You can read more of what is New in Logic 9 here:

Logic Pro 9 1 35

I'll come back to finish this review uh 'real soon now'. Hey, there is music to write. Let me just say there is no software environment more complete than Logic Pro 9. Sure there are a few problems, just as there were problems with Cubase 5 when it turned a full number. The the benefits far, far, far outweigh the problems. Don't wait.

Lets close off with a You Tube from SFLogicNinja (who has LOTS of Logic YouTubes) 'Three things I love about Logic 9'


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