Delete Frames In Imovie

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Easy: Remove Black Bars from Videos in iMovie 10.1 The latest version of iMovie does not allow you to edit the aspect ratio of imported videos. By default, iMovie v10.1 uses 16:9 aspect ratio which may add black borders to videos imported from certain devices with smaller aspect ratios, such as iPhones. I recorded a couple of minutes on my camera with the lens cap on, and then I can use that wherever needed in iMovie. If you save these couple of mins of blackness to a file, you can import it into other projects. EDIT: if you're desperate, this might work: duplicate a clip, apply fade to black, then select the last frame and duplicate / freeze it. Yesterday, I was editing a video and I added a few background photos. When I added the photos, iMovie automatically applied an automatic zoom to all my pictures. You probably noticed this too. When you import images, your images will automatically zoom in and out when you play your video. So how can you stop iMovie from automatically zooming. Windows Movie Maker. Place video clips on the storyboard or timeline for editing frames.

  1. Delete Frames Imovie
  2. How To Delete Imovie Media
  3. How To Delete Frames In Imovie
  4. How Delete Frames In Imovie

TV shows and movies have it all the time.

A scene starts and the action is frozen, then a still picture suddenly jumps to life.

The picture that is frozen usually has a special effect, perhaps it was changed to have the appearance of a faded picture. As an old picture begins to take life, goes Technicolor, and begins to move, there is a magical effect.

To produce these kinds of cinematic wizardry, Hollywood uses expensive equipment and artists. Now, with iMovie, you too can do it easily and for free.

You will discover in this tutorial how to make a simple freeze frame effect using iMovie on the iPhone or iPad and Mac.

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1. Create Freeze Frames More Effectively

iMovie’s Freeze Frame tool lets you stop the movement and make a couple of seconds of a still picture within your video, however, that’s simply the story.

But, if you are looking for a more cinematic effect, like using a nostalgia filter or a different effect to the frame simultaneously as it is paused, Movavi Video Editor can do this for you. It is the leading consumer-level video editing programs available.

There is a freeze frame feature in Movavi that allows you to create the pause illusion in a video by stopping a scene for a couple seconds.

Find out how to use Movavi video editor to add a freeze frame to your video:

Delete Frames Imovie

Step1. Download and Install Movavi Video Editor and Import Video Clip

Once Movavi Video Editor has been downloaded, open the installation file and follow the onscreen instructions.

To import the video into the editor, click Add Media Files. All loaded files are instantly included on the timeline.

Step2. Pick the Frame you want to freeze

Move the slider to the video frame you want to freeze:

Navigate the video by individual frames with the “Go to the Next frame” and “Go to the previous frame” buttons under the preview window.

Step3. Freeze Frame

From the menu pick “Insert Freeze Frame” when you right click on the video in the timeline. A freeze frame will be instantly added to your video.

Step4. Set the duration

The freeze frame has a default setting of 4 seconds. Drag the edges of the timeline to change the length of the freeze frame.

Step5. Insert text and filters (Optional)

Hit the Filters button to pick a filter for the freeze clip.

Just pull the chosen filter to the timeline of the freeze clip.

Hit the Titles button to insert text and choose the text effect from the display.

On the timeline, double-click the title effect and go to the preview window. This where you can input your text by double-clicking on the text.

How To Delete Imovie Media

Once you are happy with the final video, save it and export it by hitting the Export button in the right corner at the bottom.

2. How to Use iMovie on a Mac to create a Freeze Frame

Begin by dragging the video onto iMovie’s timeline.

Insert the marker on the spot you want to do the freeze frame on the timeline:

To insert the freeze frame, head over to Modify > Add Freeze Frame

This creates a small area where the video freezes. Drag one of these 2 circles to change the freeze frame point.

You have the option to insert audio or a voiceover talking about what is happening in the freeze frame.

To stop the effect of the freeze frame, proceed to Modify > Remove Freeze Frame:

3. How to Use iMovie on an iPhone or iPad to make a Freeze Frame

Launch iMovie on your iPad or iPhone and open the video you want to freeze frame. Place the playhead (the vertical white line) on the timeframe above the video frame that will freeze.

Note: Don’t place the playhead at the very start of the clip.

At the bottom of the screen, tap the video to open the Inspector. Hit the Speed button and next tap Freeze.

Where the playhead is placed, a freeze frame is now inserted and you will see a range highlighted.

Two seconds is the default time for the freeze frame. Adjust the length of the freeze frame by tapping it, then use the yellow range handles on either side to drag it left or right.

Do you want to go back to the initial clip and remove the freeze frame? Hit the freeze frame and you can tap either the Reset button or the Undo button.

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Hey, My name is Paul – nice to e-meet you 🙂 I’m a freelance video editor who has over 4 years experiences of making all types of videos. I founded this website to provide step-by-step and easy-to-follow instructions to first-time editors or beginners like you who want to start their journey in video editing.

Whether you want to make short, fun clips or you want to create Hollywood-style trailers, Apple’s powerful video editing app iMovie can do all these – and more! You can even use iMovie to create and edit entire films, complete with effects, transitions, music, and filter.

But the more iMovie projects you create, the more storage space is consumed, especially if you’re using 4K video. When you notice that your iMovie app is extremely slow, you cannot export your project, or the file you exported has a messed up audio or video format, then you’re probably out of space.

This article will show you how to clear iMovie disk space in several ways and gain back some storage.

How to Clear iMovie Disk Space on Mac

Before you start deleting your iMovie projects, it is a good idea to delete all your junk files first to see if you could get back enough space for your needs. You can use an app such as Outbyte MacRepair to remove all unnecessary files from your Mac and create some breathing room.

Here are other ways to clear up some storage when iMovie is taking up too much space.

Solution #1: Get rid of old projects and clips.

The best way to clean up iMovie is to get rid of all the videos that you don’t use or you no longer need, such as poor-quality videos, wobbly videos, or those that don’t have anything useful in them. Review your list of videos in the events library of iMovie and reject the ones that you don’t need as you go along.

To reject videos, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the video clip that you want to remove.
  2. Select Reject Entire Clip.
  3. Go to the rejected clips folder within iMovie by clicking View > Rejected Only.
  4. Click the Move Rejected to Trash button to delete all rejected videos.

Another way to trim down your iMovie library is by using the Space Saver feature. On iMovie, go to File > Space Saver option. This will scan your library for video clips that you don’t use and reject them. And don’t forget to empty your Trash!

Solution#2: Delete render files.

One of the main hoarders of disk space is iMovie’s render files. Aside from deleting unused video clips, you can also delete the render files of iMovie projects you are no longer working on. To do this:

  1. Launch Terminal via Utilities folder or Spotlight.
  2. Type in the following command:

find ~/Movies/iMovie Library.imovielibrary -path “*/Render File” -type d -exec rm –

  1. Hit Enter.

This command runs through your iMovie library and deletes all directories named Render Files.

If you’re not comfortable using codes to delete files from your Mac, you can clean up the files manually by following these steps:

  1. Go to Finder > Go to Folder. Type in ~/Movies/ in the search box.
  2. In the Movies folder, right-click on iMovie Library and choose Show Package Contents.
  3. Go through each project folder and delete all folders named Render Files.
  4. Empty your Trash and see how much space you’ve recovered.

Solution #3: Delete videos from an Event.

Another way to free up space is to delete unwanted video clips from an Event. Deleting clips from a project is different from deleting clips from an event because the latter deletes the video clip from the source while the former does not.

To delete video clips from an event, follow these instructions:

  1. Open Event Library on iMovie.
  2. Choose the Event you want to delete the video clips from.
  3. In the Event browser, choose the frames or clips you want to delete from the Event.
  4. Click the Reject button to move the clips to the rejected folder.
  5. Click File > Move Rejected Clips to Trash. This will move all clips currently marked as rejected to the Trash.
  6. If you’re sure about the option to delete the rejected clips, click the Move to Trash button. This will delete the videos from your Events but still occupy space in the Trash.
  7. If you want to review the clips that you’ve rejected, click the View Rejected Clips button.
  8. To permanently delete the rejected video clips, go to Finder > Empty Trash.

Solution #4: Export movies then delete source videos and projects.

If you are happy with the movie you created and you’re no longer planning on editing it, exporting your movie will help you save storage space. To export your video, click Share > Export Movie.

Once you have exported the videos that you need, right-click on the project folders and choose Move Project to Trash to delete the project. You’ll gain back a significant amount of space once you’ve deleted those old projects.

How To Delete Frames In Imovie

After deleting the projects, don’t forget to delete the source files as well. You can either delete the events manually or use the space saver option mentioned above. These steps will clear up a lot of disk space because you won’t have two copies of the same video on your computer.

Solution #5: Consolidate your videos.

If you’re someone who lacks organization skills, you might find your videos scattered all over your Mac. It is also possible that you have multiple copies of your videos in other folders, or you have projects and other media in different places.

To tidy up your computer and save some disk space, you can consolidate your media in one place. This may not free up a lot of space, but this will at least keep your projects and videos organized.

To consolidate your media files, follow these steps:

  1. On iMovie, go to File > Consolidate Media.
  2. You’ll be given three options: Copy the Event, Copy the Clips, and Move the Events. Choose the latter. This will move your clips and events to your Mac’s hard drive and update the links.
  3. Use the Space Saver menu to clean up the videos that are not being used in a project.
  4. Empty your Trash to permanently delete the discarded videos.

In some cases, the deleted files don’t disappear completely even if the Trash has been emptied. If this happens, just restart your computer to totally remove these files and free up storage space.


Video files are great space hoggers. If these files are not managed well and cleaned up regularly, you’ll always be scrambling for additional space. Make it a good habit to review your iMovie movies and delete old or unwanted clips using the methods above so that they don’t waste precious space.

How Delete Frames In Imovie

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